Third Thursday: Meet Daniel & Deborah Malone of the Dublin Project!

Third Thursday: Meet Daniel & Deborah Malone of the Dublin Project!
Daniel & Deborah Malone and family. The Malones are planting a new church in their hometown in Ireland.

We are excited to share the Dublin Project with you!

The Malones | Dublin, Ireland

The Malones have a dream of seeing the halls of heaven filled with Irish accents!

Daniel and Deborah met a long time ago at their local youth group in Dublin. Although they were from opposite sides of the city, they found common ground in their love for God, his people, and a good date at the cinema (popcorn included). They spent six years serving in ministry in Africa and have now moved back home, along with their two young daughters, Zayah and Marley, to dedicate their lives to sharing the good news of Jesus across Ireland.

The Malones have a heart for this city, with all of its qualities and challenges. They are serving to establish a new church so that more and more Dubliners would know Jesus. The opportunity for Kingdom impact is endless!

Cincinnati x San Diego

This month, City Church OTR in Cincinnati (Launched in 2021) took their whole staff team to meet with Create Church in San Diego (Launched in 2024) to talk practicals of church planting and pray together. 

Pastor Chris Marlin of City Church OTR writes,

It was really sweet. There are tough things about my job, but man I love church plants.

Such a joy to see older church plants stirring up and encouraging younger ones! If you are interested in seeing just how much fun these pastors have together, watch this video.


Thank you for your partnership! Here are some ways you can partner in ministry this month: 

  • We need your help. If you are interested in partnering financially for either of these churches, follow the links throughout this email to give! 
  • If your church wants to explore a partnership to help plant these churches, reach out to Luke Greer, and he can tell you more. 
  • Take a moment to specifically pray for this new church in Dublin, Ireland.
  • Forward this email to a friend! We always want the number of prayer partners to be growing for the sake of new churches and the communities they serve.

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Jamie Larson