Third Thursday: Meet Philip & Rachel Moore of the Paris Project!

Third Thursday: Meet Philip & Rachel Moore of the Paris Project!

We are excited to share the Paris Project with you!

Philip & Rachel Moore | The 5th Arrondissement in Paris, France

Philip and Rachel Moore are planting a new church in Paris's 5th Arrondissement (or district). The area remains Paris's center for higher education, with 80,000 students, yet there is currently no church serving this district. Students, families, and young professionals continually move into the area seeking the high quality of life. Philip and Rachel are serving to start a new church that will present more than great ideas or higher living standards. This church will present the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of the Christian gospel.

Video: The St. Petersburg Project

In our previous newsletter, you learned about a new church for St. Petersburg, Florida. Hear from Chris & Kathleen Dew in the latest video!


Thank you for your partnership! Here are some ways you can partner in ministry this month:

  • We need your help. If you are interested in partnering financially for either of these churches, follow the links throughout this email to give! 
  • If your church wants to explore a partnership to help plant these churches, reach out to Luke Greer and he can tell you more. 
  • Take a moment to specifically pray for the thousands of students in the 5th Arr. in Paris – that they find a home in this new church and that God may give them the Spirit of wisdom, revelation, and knowledge of Him.  
  • Forward this email to a friend! We always want the number of prayer partners to be growing for these new churches and their communities.

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Jamie Larson