Celebrating 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. How you seen pictures of New York City in December? The whole city is lit and decked out in party clothes. Store fronts, displays and faces beam with celebration.
The songs of the season use the words “Rejoice”, “Joy” and “Hark”, words you don't hear in May or August. We who follow Jesus appreciate the finery, but know that underneath the décor, this season is a celebration of the birth of our Savior: Emmanuel, the God Who Is With Us. God is still working in the world, in ways sometimes surprising and unexpected.
2013 has been a year of growth and expansion for Orchard Group.
60 years of work in New York City has now spread to vibrant churches all over the world, from East Coast to West, from Europe to Asia. These new churches join the chorus proclaiming the story of Jesus. Throughout the year, we have celebrated stories of baptisms, marriages and relationships restored, new churches serving their communities and new believers becoming leaders. Rejoice! God is with us!

Youth at Everyday Christian Church in New York City, many of whom are hearing Bible stories and principles for the first time.

Several churches signed new leases for worship space:
New City Church in Phoenix, AZ
Mission Christian Church in Ventura, CA
Mustard Seed Christian Churches of Nagoya and Osaka, Japan

Mosaic Christian Church in Baltimore, MD has grown so much in the last year that their lobby has now become an overflow area during Sunday services!

We are Initiating four new plants for 2014 in
Chicago, Miami, Harlem and Philadelphia.

A group of Orchard Group staff, leaders and supporters began laying the foundation for a future new church in Amsterdam.

Lastly, we are incredibly thankful for YOU. Without your prayers, interest and financial support the work over the last year would not be possible.