East and West
For sixty years, Orchard Group helped start new churches exclusively in the northeastern United States. Six years ago, we helped start a new church in Salt Lake City, UT. Since then, six more churches have been started out west. Those churches reach thousands every Sunday and many have come to know Jesus through them. We did not envision today's growth when we started that first church! God's vision was greater than we could foresee.

This week, we led two simultaneous retreats for our most recent church planting teams -one on the east coast, and one on the west. The sun was rising on our teams in New Jersey and setting on them in California! We shared ideas and resources, and encouraged each other in our ministries. Poet Jackie Perry states, "Have friends that make God look big, grace look tangible, and the gospel look true." Time together strengthens us for the work we do in our cities.

God is working through these leaders in ways that truly impact lives and cities for his sake!

Just as six years ago, Orchard Group branched out to start churches in the western United States, God has expanded our vision to include major cities around the world. The Global Cities Initiative is already 1/3 of the way to raising $1.5 million to plant 10 churches in global cities over the next five years. Churches are already being started in Paris, Lagos, Cape Town, and New York City. Will you join us in seeing churches started in these strategic cities?