Introducing the Miami Project
From lead planter Greg Ingram:
As I cruise the streets of Miami, my heart is stirred for this great city and the people who call it home. I am reminded of the words of Jesus in Matthew 9:36-38. When he saw the crowds, Jesus had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples,
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Miami is a beautiful city full of exciting and diverse people who desperately need to know the God who is madly in love with them.

Miami is a city of the future. Recent projections would indicate that diversity in the United States is continuing to grow, and Miami offers an incredible opportunity to build a movement of believers who mirror the diversity of the city and the future of our country.
With over 5.7 million people in the metro area, Miami is the 4th largest urbanized area in the United States. It is a vibrant, influential city with a large concentration of international banks, fashion centers, and headquarters for many Latin American operations. Yet, Miami is one of the least churched cities in the United States. According to a recent Men’s Health report, Miami is among the “least religious” cities in the country.
My wife, Whitney, and I are moving to Miami along with our two young children to plant a vibrant and healthy church and to help catalyze a church planting movement in the city. We are excited to give the remaining days of our lives to loving and serving the people of this incredible city.

Over the past 10 years, we’ve had the privilege of serving alongside some of the most inspiring and gifted leaders and pastors in the United States. The last 5 of those years have been spent focusing on equipping believers to reach their neighbors in San Antonio, TX with Randy Frazee and Max Lucado. Prior to our time at Oak Hills Church, I served for 5 years at Willow Creek Community Church in greater Chicagoland.
We cannot church plant alone. God has been aligning us with strategic partners from around the country. Words cannot describe our excitement of partnering with Orchard Group. Orchard Group has a robust history of reaching urban areas with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. From my very first conversation with Orchard, I believe God has aligned our hearts with a common mission and vision for the people of Miami. It is a joy to call the Orchard Group family.