Leaving a Trace
July 16 will be a celebratory day for Trace Church in Colorado Springs, CO. It will be the first Sunday in their new worship space. Over the summer, Trace volunteers have donated time and money (over $50,000!) to renovate a new building that will position the church to better reach and love the people of their city. This generosity is remarkable because Trace Church is less than one year old!

Trace launched in September of 2016 under the leadership of Aaron and Emily Pennington. Aaron is originally from Kentucky, where he practiced as a fitness professional and was part owner in a health club. Aaron admits he was an unlikely candidate for a pastor at that stage of his young life. He states,
“I’m a big fan of life transformation, probably because I am a product of it myself. After spending my youth and early adulthood partying hard and finding myself in jail a few times, I considered myself lucky to make it to 21. I eventually cleaned up my life and I was on my way to the American dream…but God! So many of us set out on our own path, but God often has something dramatically different for us.”

Aaron and his wife Emily moved to Arizona, where he served in full-time ministry for seven years at Central Christian Church and completed a Masters of Ministry from Hope International University. Aaron and Emily became increasingly burdened to reach people who need the life transformation of Jesus. They moved to Colorado Springs to lead a church plant there.
Within a short timespan, Trace Church has grown rapidly. They average close to 300 each Sunday. On Easter Sunday, 499 people attended worship services. Trace has celebrated 31 baptisms and a child dedication Sunday. It is clear that this young church is living out its mission.

Lauren Atkins, who attends Trace, describes what she appreciates about this new church:
“This is a place where you can count on the leadership to be real, and for the teaching to be biblical and on point. The mission of Trace is 'To leave a trace of God's love everywhere we go,' and this church does just that!”