New Year, New Church in Orlando
Thrive Church celebrated its launch Sunday with two services and 162 people. Led by Greg Marksberry, the church is off to a good start. Thrive is meeting in the heart of a growing section of Orlando – Lake Nona. Lake Nona is a planned community and medical hub, and is predicted to triple in population in the next ten years from 50,000 to 150,000.

Thrive has recognized the importance of helping families. One of the needs of Lake Nona is a program addressing youth literacy. The area has no library, and has one of the highest rates of ESL (English as a second language) in the classroom. For the past few months, the church has operated the “Thrive Truck.” The truck is a bookmobile with a small library and learning resources. It is also equipped with iPads, screens and other tools. Thrive volunteers plan reading and fun activities with the kids. Greg says, “Meeting this need for children and families is a powerful way to show the heart of God and introduce people to Jesus.”

Thrive Church is active in the growing Lake Nona community, sponsoring a 5K run and partnering with another church to host a worship night. Keep Thrive Church in your prayers as they continue the good work that God has for them in central Florida!

Introducing people to Jesus is the primary reason Orchard Group wants to see more churches starting in cities around the world. As floods of people move to urban centers, we need to have urgency in seeing gospel- centered church planted and growing in these areas if new people will be reached.
You can be a part of this vision!
The Global Cities Initiative is already 35% of the way to raising $1.5 million to plant 10 churches in 10 global cities over 5 years. There’s still more to do! Join us through prayer as we plan, train and assess the next church planters. Pray for the cities where God directs us to work. And pray for the hearts of people to be open to hearing the gospel.