Plan A: Churches Planting Churches

There is so much to celebrate about the work of church planting: leaders applying their God-given gifts, new people encountering the good news, local volunteers and staff being developed, and — of course! — new believers following Jesus.
Church planting frequently brings about another wonderful thing: new churches investing to help start other new churches. In this way, partnering to plant new churches is one of the soundest investments one can make. As a matter of fact, by its tenth anniversary, the average church planted with Orchard Group has given away more resources than it received to get started!

One example is Renaissance Church in Harlem. Renaissance is not only a dynamic congregation that serves the people of its neighborhood and city. It has also multiplied its mission out into other neighborhoods and cities through its investment in church planting. Already it has given time, talent, and treasure to new churches in New York City and on the other side of the globe. And at only seven years old, it’s just getting started!
Lead pastor Jordan Rice (who also serves as Orchard’s NYC Director), shares just a snapshot of how Renaissance is working to plant new churches beyond itself:
God has done more than move in just our church. After launching in 2014 with the help of Orchard Group, we invested in another Orchard Group church plant here in Harlem. And then another in Union Square downtown from here. And then another Orchard Group church half way around the world. I love my neighborhood. I love my city. Most of all, I love what God is doing in all these places to draw people to himself. And I love that my church gets to play a part in that.
This is the same basic method that God’s people have used since New Testament times: establishing new churches in places where they are needed. It’s God’s “Plan A” for his mission to the world!
Thank you for your prayer and support. It’s a pleasure to share in this mission with you.