The Church in Action During COVID-19

From raising additional benevolence funds, to creating new approaches for worship services, to fostering new ways for intentional connection, to proactively supporting local community, to practicing lament together... it's been beautiful seeing the church being the church in this unique season.
Here are a handful of examples of Orchard Group church plants "being the church" in their communities these past few weeks:
Reunion Church (Manhattan, NYC - 2020)
Community Church (Long Island - 2020)
Community Church on Instagram: “We have the opportunity to do something we’ll never forget and never regret. #passiton #covid19 #wereinthistogether”
79 Likes, 3 Comments - Community Church ( on Instagram: “We have the opportunity to do something we’ll never forget and never regret. #passiton #covid19…”

Icon Church (Seattle - 2019)
SLO City Church (San Luis Obispo, CA - 2019)
Bay City Church (San Francisco, CA - 2018)
Mission City Church (Santa Barbara, CA - 2018)
Mission City Church on Instagram: “Mission City is proud to partner with @theivanbar to support and celebrate the heroes of the medical community in the Santa Barbara area.”
23 Likes, 4 Comments - Mission City Church (@missioncitysb) on Instagram: “Mission City is proud to partner with @theivanbar to support and celebrate the heroes of the…”