Third Thursday: Merry Christmas!

As the warmth of Christmas surrounds us, I find myself reflecting upon the timeless words from Matthew 19:14,
But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”
Christmas, much like these words from Jesus, is about joy, wonder, and boundless love. In the laughter of children tearing open presents and the twinkling lights that illuminate the nights, there is a reminder of the greatest of all gifts: the birth of Christ.
In the chaos of holiday preparations, it is easy to lose sight of the humility and glory of God himself becoming one of us. Jesus’s words here serve as instruction for how to approach this season: with the openness and wonder of a child. We can shed the burdens of adulthood and rediscover the pure, unbridled joy that comes from being together and connecting with our King.
This Christmas let us gather, exchange gifts, share meals, and reflect on the gift of grace given to us through the birth of Christ. And for all who worship Jesus, let us do so from the posture of our truest identity — one of son and daughter. Let us approach this next year with the same wide-eyed wonder and excitement as we look forward to new churches in Denver, Bergen County, Brunswick, and San Diego!
Video: The San Diego Project
In a previous Third Thursday newsletter, you learned about a new church coming to San Diego in 2024. Watch our latest video to hear from Jake and Kaelia Vayda!

Pray for these new churches coming in 2024: