2016 Lead Planters' Retreat

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb
Our church planter's retreat is a time to encourage and support each other. Starting a church is work that requires courage, creativity, and consecration of life before God. What a joy to work with such a gifted people who are passionate about Jesus and seeing God's Kingdom grow!
Several people commented on the lack of competition among Orchard Group church planters, and the evidence of love and support. Each church planter has a different task set before him. We delight in seeing God work through each individual! Sometimes projects lead to explosive growth. Sometimes projects lead to deep transformation of a few individuals, which affects an entire community. Whatever the outcome, our prayer is that God, who began the work in us, would be faithful to complete it!

Greg and Whitney Ingram from Miami Church in FL

Jordan and Jessica Rice from Renaissance Church in NYC

Derrick and Kaley Puckett from Renewal Church in Chicago, IL

Brandon and Ty Watts from the Brooklyn Project
We began our time together asking each couple to tell where they met each other. We heard stories from "We met at church" to "We met in middle school" to "We met when he facebook stalked me!" Laughter is good medicine.