City Church OTR Launches!

City Church OTR in Cincinnati officially launched on Easter Sunday! We celebrate with this church as they form a new community in the Over-The-Rhine neighborhood.
Co-pastors Chris Marlin and Tyler Chernesky share:
The theme of our Easter Celebration was "Not finished yet..." We felt this was reflective of Easter and of this new church: Jesus' work on the cross was once-and-for-all, but the whole story wasn't finished on that fateful Friday. And because Jesus is alive, his work in anyone who would trust him is still not finished either!
Even at life moments when we are left wondering "What Now?" we can be confident that it's not finished yet. The church was born because when Jesus left, he left his people something to do.
In addition to being our launch Sunday, this was also our first Sunday having two services. That was a big transition for those who had been with our community since our preview service days! Moving forward, we'd love prayer as God continues to grow our community: 1) that we'd be ready to welcome and shepherd those he brings our way, 2) and that our church would have increased ability to connect with more and more people in our neighborhood throughout the late Summer and Fall.

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