Introducing Luke and Lindsay Greer
We are excited to announce Luke Greer is joining the staff of Orchard Group! Luke will serve in two areas: developing future church planters through the Orchard Institute and helping us recruit and oversee church planters working with Hispanics and Latinos in the US and abroad. Luke is married to Lindsay and together they have three children, Isabella, Olivia and Elijah. He is a graduate of Dallas Christian College and received an M.A. in Intercultural Studies from Wheaton College. His written work has been published in Evangelical Missions Quarterly.

Luke and Lindsay come to us with extensive urban ministry experience, serving the past 12 years in the Mexico City Valley with Mission Mexico City and most recently as part of the church planting organization, Impacto Latino. The Greers have spent the past five years planting Iglesia Cristiana El Jubileo in Pachuca, Mexico. Their church planting work with Impacto Latino is widely respected in cross-cultural church planting circles as a successful model of a self-supporting and indigenously led church in a difficult context.
A fluent Spanish speaker and a proven church planting leader, Luke will catalyze Orchard Group’s efforts to plant churches among Latino people. With a growing Latino population of 3 billion people worldwide and 50 million in the U.S, we see an increasing need to plant churches that reach this demographic group.

Luke will also lead our programming to develop the next generation of urban church planting leaders. Initially started by Dave Smith, the Orchard Institute has been a partnership between Orchard Group and select Christian colleges and universities. Students come to New York City for classes taught by Orchard staff, church planters and ministry leaders. In 2014, we are expanding this program to offer classes in other cities. We are also offering our first internship program for top students who want prepare for church planting. Luke will lead these expansion efforts to continue our investment in a future generation of church planters.
As Orchard Group continues to grow, we are grateful for the experience, wisdom and gifting Luke and Lindsay bring to our organization.