Launch Sunday at Delaware Christian Church!
New season. New church. New you.
Those words marked an amazing launch for Delaware Christian Church (DCC) in the heart of the city of Wilmington. People gathered at a public school auditorium in the midst of the city’s well-known Trolley Square neighborhood on a brilliant spring morning.
Lead Planter Marcos Mercado has used the phrase “new season, new church, new you” to welcome people to the new church.

Calvin was one of the volunteers at the service. He lives in the city and had been searching for something spiritual. Often Calvin prayed that someone who could guide him would cross his path. A short time later he found his vehicle temporarily blocked by what turned out to be the Delaware Christian Church van! Marcos had literally “crossed Calvin’s path.” The two developed a relationship, and now Calvin is a committed part of the core group of the new church, and is eagerly exploring what it means to follow Christ.
The church also honored Gianni at the inaugural service. Gianni operates a popular pizza shop in Trolley Square. The church often held pre-launch core group gatherings in a private room at the pizza shop. Gianni was a gracious host and insisted the church be allowed to meet free of charge. Upon being honored for his generosity, Gianni spoke briefly at the service stating that he had grown up Catholic, and was genuinely glad to see this new church emerge in his neighborhood.

The service was lively, energetic, and inspirational. Gospel artist Jermaine Dolly provided special music in the service, including an emotional, riveting rendition of his current hit “Serve.” Marcos delivered a dynamic message based on Jesus’ challenge in Luke 9 to count the cost of following Him.
DCC is strategically located in the heart of Wilmington. The city is a densely-populated urban center located between, and in close proximity to, both Philadelphia and Baltimore. It is a city of contrasts. Wilmington is a thriving business hub where many credit card companies and banks are headquartered. Yet it also ranks as one of the most violent and troubled small cities in America. For both the affluent and those who lack, the spiritual need is evident.

Churches from around the country partnered to help launch Delaware Christian Church. Volunteers from New Hope Christian Church near Memphis helped lead the worship time. Representatives of many of those churches spent the weekend in Wilmington serving the new church. Wearing shirts bearing the words “new season, new church, new you,” they helped spread the word in the neighborhoods surrounding the church venue about the new church launch.
Please pray for the people of Wilmington to find new life in Christ through this vibrant new church!