Planting the Urban Church: An Exponential Conference Bonus Session

Mon, April 27 | 1pm – 5pm
Idlewild Baptist Church | Tampa, FL
Attend this Bonus Session FREE when you Register for a Pre-Conference Lab or Forum as part of Exponential East for +$59.

Hosted by The Orchard Group featuring: Brent Storms, Jodi Hickerson, Justin Anderson, Brian Kruckenberg, Jonathan Williams, Watson Jones and Chris Travis

Do you feel called to plant an urban church? Are you interesting in learning more about what starting a new church in a city might look like? Learn from seven experienced church planters from around the country about their experience planting a church in an urban context.

This event is hosted by Orchard Group, a church planting organization that has been planting urban churches in and from New York City since 1948. We work with a diverse group of exceptional church planters to custom-build new churches in cities in the USA and around the world.

Our gathering will be broken up into a series of short 20 minute presentations, followed by a Q&A where you can dialogue with the presenters. Here are the topics and speakers:

Orienting Expectations

Expect to Need Help – Brent Storms, Orchard Group, New York, NY
Expect Brokenness – Jodi Hickerson, Mission Church, Ventura, CA
Expect Diversity – Watson Jones, Restoration Church, Philadelphia PA
Expect Difficulty – Justin Anderson, Redemption Church, San Francisco, CA
Discussion/Q & A with Brent, Jodi, Watson and Justin

Best Practices

Choosing Your Location and Strategy – Brent Storms, Orchard Group, New York, NY
Leading in an Urban Context – Brian Kruckenberg, New City Church, Phoenix, AZ
Serving in an Urban Context – Jonathan Williams, Forefront Church, Brooklyn, NY
Preaching in an Urban Context – Chris Travis, Everyday Church, New York, NY
Discussion/Q & A with Brent, Brian, Jonathan and Chris

We are excited to host a bonus session at the Exponential East Conference on April 27th- primarily because we are excited about this group of leaders!

Use code "orchard15" to get $30 off your registration AND the special spouse rate of $99.

Sign up for "Planting an Urban Church" and let us know that you're coming:

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Jamie Larson