Orchard Group Report 2020

Six ways to take action:
- Multiply Your Church’s Mission • Every church has a mission: to make disciples, to serve the community, to evangelize new believers, and to mend broken lives. Discover how Orchard Group helps to make multiplying your church's mission simple.
- Become a Church Planter • Is God calling you to plant a church? We’d love to start a conversation.
- Give to the Seed Fund • Join in and celebrate everything Orchard Group does by giving to the Seed Fund. By giving, you provide what’s needed for churches to get started, become established, and bear fruit.
- Learn More • If you’d like to explore more about Orchard Group’s distinctives, values, and vision, download the white paper.
- Share • Copy and share this link with others: orchardgroup.org/report
- Pray • Join 4,000 other prayer partners who are praying for the tens of thousands of people who are being reached through Orchard Group churches. With just one update a month, learn about what God’s doing and how you can be praying.