Orchard Group Report 2020

Orchard Group Report 2020

Download the Report

Six ways to take action:

  1. Multiply Your Church’s MissionEvery church has a mission: to make disciples, to serve the community, to evangelize new believers, and to mend broken lives. Discover how Orchard Group helps to make multiplying your church's mission simple.
  2. Become a Church Planter • Is God calling you to plant a church? We’d love to start a conversation.
  3. Give to the Seed Fund • Join in and celebrate everything Orchard Group does by giving to the Seed Fund. By giving, you provide what’s needed for churches to get started, become established, and bear fruit.
  4. Learn More • If you’d like to explore more about Orchard Group’s distinctives, values, and vision, download the white paper.
  5. Share • Copy and share this link with others: orchardgroup.org/report
  6. Pray • Join 4,000 other prayer partners who are praying for the tens of thousands of people who are being reached through Orchard Group churches. With just one update a month, learn about what God’s doing and how you can be praying.

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    Jamie Larson