The Latest: An Exciting Season for New Churches

As the summer season gives way to Fall, many church plants find themselves transitioning out of the pre-launch stage and into the exciting season of launching regular Sunday church services! In fact, the next couple of months are shaping up to be some of our busiest ever:
Accelerate Church (Camden) and Beacon Church (New Hampshire) will launch September 12th, while Hope Church (Baltimore) and Reunion Church (NYC) share a September 26 launch date. New City Church (Oakland) launches October 17th, and History Makers Church (Greater Miami) looks toward a date later this Fall.

For these leaders and their teams, the months preceding launch are filled with countless hours of work behind the scenes: praying, securing a venue, building a core team, developing children's ministry, and fostering new relationships within the community.
After a long year of unknowns, it is refreshing to see God's working through these leaders' preparations and through your prayer and generosity to birth six new churches.
As we celebrate, please join us in praying for each of these new churches: for provision, wisdom, and endurance for the work ahead.
As six new churches are launching, this post from the lead pastor at Renaissance Church (Harlem) provides beautiful perspective on how new churches make real and significant differences in people's lives: