Youth Ministry on the Ground in NYC
What does a youth group in the city look like?
Matt Mueller, youth pastor at Everyday Christian Church in New York City shares:
We are dedicated to serving and reaching the young people of our area, students in middle and high school. We have an amazing core group of kids and adults dedicated to this mission. We spend time every week praying together, studying the Word, and discussing the difficult topics and realities of life growing up as a teenager in NYC. Everyday is here to support these kids, to love and pray for them. They are following Christ and striving to live a life for Him in secular and sometimes hostile school and family environments.
It has been nothing but pure joy for my wife, Kala, and I to be in New York City opening our home and our lives to the endless amounts of teens that so desperately need Christ. By sharing Christ, we are not treating the symptoms of social injustic facing our community but are zeroing in on the root cause: spiritual deprivation. God is using us to break the generational patterns of poverty, fatherlessness and teenage pregnancy through restoring the relationships of the teenagers of upper Manhattan with Christ who loves them.
God is good.