A Church for the "Never-Churched"

God has given Brent & Jenna Bramer a desire to see the "never churched" encounter the goodness of God through a new church in the city of San Luis Obispo.
One of the first communities settled in California, San Luis Obispo (known locally as "SLO") is a city that is poised for growth and a new church. SLO ranks #2 on Barna's Most Never-Churched Cities/Regions list, and other studies show that only 6-10% of the population participates in a local church. Orchard Group is committed to seeing churches established in places like this, so we're eager to support the SLO City Church team's efforts to plant a new church in San Luis Obispo!

Following the Bramers' move to SLO, they began working to gather a core group who share the vision for a new church to be started in their community, so that the hope of Jesus can increasingly be known in SLO. After months of work and preparation, SLO City Church launched on Sunday, September 8th.
From Brent Bramer, lead pastor of SLO City Church:
"To launch a new church, there has to be a foundation of people who love Jesus, one another, and the city. Over the past several months, God has put together that collection of people in the heart of San Luis Obispo - people who desire to live the way of Jesus in bringing real, tangible hope to the city.
We’re excited about the opportunity God’s put in front of us. We’re humbled to get to serve our neighbors and invite in the stranger. We’re hopeful that God would do what only He can do and rescue the afflicted, bind up the brokenhearted, and awaken a generation to come to find and follow Jesus."

Would you join us in praying for SLO City Church as they become established?
- Pray for strength, perseverance, and unity for the staff of SLO City Church.
- Pray that God would work through SLO City Church to spread hope in San Luis Obispo.