The Latest: September News
The church has always been characterized as a people who gather, united by their shared love for Jesus. This continues to be true even as a pandemic has caused this "gathering" to take on many different forms throughout the world.
Even with present limitations, churches are still finding safe and creative ways to "gather," that the good news might be proclaimed and people empowered in mission for the sake of their communities.
Here are a few glimpses we've seen of Orchard Group churches gathering and continuing to live on mission in creative ways:
The Gathering Harlem
When COVID-19 hit New York City, The Gathering Harlem launched online Bible Studies, and they had the highest participation they've ever had, with 150 people enrolled!
Greater Miami Project
Launch team members of the Greater Miami Project recently gathered to pack food boxes for those in need in their community. Together, they packed 728 family meal boxes, to provide a total of 6000 meals.
Renaissance NYC & Renewal Church of Chicago
Renaissance Church (NYC) and Renewal Church (Chicago) both recently hosted community gatherings at parks to provide a way for people to safely connect in person.
This is why we back church planters: that more people might know Jesus, be built up in his name, be gathered together, and be empowered to live for God's glory and the good of their communities.
You can help
We look forward to seeing all God will do in months to come through the establishment of new churches in Cincinnati, Manhattan, Oakland, and Greater Miami!
Would you join us in praying for these new churches and the leaders behind them?
Discover more about how you can partner to see new gatherings of new believers established in these cities.
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